In one such race, a young biker dashed into a taxi at Ghatkopar’s Pant Nagar, where luckily the rider and the driver escaped unhurt. In a bid to put a stop to such races, the police’s efforts of deploying officers at notorious points have failed, but the CCTV cameras are playing a pivotal role in catching the accused. Post this the biker fled the scene.
In this case too, the CCTV cameras have captured the entire incident and the police has initiated a search to nab them. Prafull Phadke, senior police inspector of Pant Nagar police station told The Asian Age, “The entire incident has been captured in the CCTV footage, and the accused will be held soon.
The police sources have said that the incident took place late on Friday night near Vikrant Circle at Ghatkopar, when one of the bikers participating in the race came towards the Vikhroli end in full speed and collided with the parked taxi.
The bike race menace has resumed post monsoon, much to the annoyance of citizens and police alike. Luckily, the taxi driver in the cab was asleep and escaped unhurt, but by the time he could come out and catch hold of the accused biker, the latter had fled the scene with another bike race participant. The accused left back his bike and it’s registration number will help in nailing the accused.”“The CCTV cameras have
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